I thought that today we could learn a few words. Perhaps I’m being bold to assume that you don’t already know them but even if you do, then this would be a reminder…
The attribution of human characteristics, traits, emotions, intentions, or behaviour to non-human entities; the perception of a divine being or beings in human form or the recognition of (human) qualities in these beings.
PANIM (Hebrew) – has many meanings, including,
Face; aspect; existence; divine essence ; divine justice ; divine revelation
Behind; after – that which follows
Back, the body part
Okay, so now that we have those definitions or meanings, let’s
read Exodus 33:23…
“then I will take away my hand, and you shall see my back,
but my face shall not be seen.” (NRSV)
When we read this verse, I dare to think that we sub-consciously
perceive it as anthropomorphism, but to understand it as an anthropomorphic
event is to misunderstand it and thereby miss the whole point of the amazing
lesson it conveys.
The true nature of this encounter Moses had with God is lost
on us when we attribute human characteristics to what is divine.
God tells Moses, “you shall see my back” i.e. “you shall see
achorai (behind)” not “gav”
Moses did not see the departing body part of God because God
does not have a back as we do; he did not encounter the incarnate God but
God in His formless state.
So then, what did Moses see?
We need to read beyond what is written on the pages, dig
deeper and not simply remain on the surface.
Moses experienced as close as an encounter with the Divine
Being than any human being could possibly have. Moses was allowed to see the essence
of Divinity although not in its entirety, since he saw Achorai but not Panim, “but
my face shall not be seen”
Before we continue, let’s look at this first century Aramaic
translation of verses 19-23 by Onkelos, a Roman who was converted.
“And God said, ‘you cannot see the face of My Shechinah (dwelling/presence);
for no one can see Me and survive. And God said, Look, there is a place
prepared before Me, and you will stand on the rock, and it will be that when My
Glory passes by, I will put you in a cavern of the rock, and My Word will overshadow
you until I have passed; and I will take away the word of My Glory, and you
will see that which is after Me, but what is before Me shall not be seen”
From this first-century translation, it’s clear that it was
not a physical encounter. Onkelos tells of God’s Shechinah, or Shekinah – God’s
Presence – and God’s glory. Nothing physical about that.
Also, we can better understand Achorai (back) as “after Me”, and Panim (face) as “before Me”.
Moses was allowed to see the “after” but not the “before”.
God showed Moses what had already been, but what was to come remained hidden. In
other words, God showed Moses the past but not the future.
It’s difficult for us to fully comprehend the essence of
Divinity when it is present but can see the evidence of it in hindsight. We
often say, “Oh that could only have been God”, only after our lives have been
touched by His Presence. However, about the future, we can merely imagine.
This was the realization for Moses. Tasked with leading the sojourning
Israelites, Moses wanted certain assurances from God. He asked God, “you have
not let me know whom you will send with me” (v 12)
God not only tells Moses that His Presence will go with him
but looking back, Moses sees His Presence in all that had already happened.
I imagine that Moses would have seen his very first
encounter with God at the burning bush and, after seeing that which was “after Me”,
now he could confidently move forward to lead the children of Israel through
the wilderness.
How many times have you asked God to reassure you of His
Presence? Unable to see Him when He is present, looking back at all that has
already happened, you, like Moses, will be able to step into the future
with confidence, even into the wilderness, assured that God’s Presence is with
“My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest…and
I know you by name.” - Exodus 33:14, 17 (NRSV)
Shelley Johnson “Looking Back” © February 7, 2025
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