Friday 8 January 2016

Are you too busy?

Does your daily routine seem like a conveyor belt of activity with no end in sight? Do you feel as if you are on a treadmill without a stop button? Do you find yourself saying that you simply have no time?

Beloved, everyone has been given the same amount of time – twenty four hours every single day – but we often hinder the time we have been given when we choose to busy ourselves with unnecessary things. 

We cram our days with activities that can bring us no eternal benefits and our self-imposed busy lives rob us of the time we spend with God. Know that self-effort is vanity, rooted in pride and reaps frustration. 

Psalm 127:2 (GNT) says, 

“It is useless to work so hard for a living, getting up early and going to bed late. For the Lord provides for those He loves, while they are asleep.” 

Today, re-order your priorities, discard everything that is of no value, shift your focus from self and focus on the One Who loves you and He will give you rest while He “toils” to provide your every need. 

Are you too busy? ©2013 Shelley Johnson 1-Feb-13

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