Saturday 9 January 2016

My Life is Turned Upside Down...Let us pray

Oh Lord, troubles have turned my life upside down and I just can’t get a handle on things. I am weary from worrying and I cannot see clearly or even think straight. 

The paths, where Your Divine Providence seems to be leading me, are all blurred right now and I feel utterly lost. 

Help me Lord to keep an unlimited hope in You. 

Help me to stay the course that You have set for me even in my loss of vision and direction. 

I pray that this fog that has invaded my life will soon be cleared away and all this will just be a distant memory. 

Thank You Lord, that in all this darkness You are still my Light. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen. 

My Life is Turned Upside Down ©2013 Shelley Johnson 5-Feb-13

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