Sunday 24 January 2016

The Gifts of The Holy Spirit

The means by which the Holy Spirit affects us internally is called the Gifts of the Spirit.

Isaiah 11:2, as it is written, “And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him – the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the reverential and obedient fear of the Lord.”

This Scripture reveals that there are seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit of God,

1. Wisdom

2. Understanding

3. Counsel

4. Might

5. Knowledge

6. Reverential Fear of the Lord [Fear of the Lord]

7. Obedient Fear of the Lord [Piety]

These seven Gifts are the result of the activity of the Spirit within us to purify and bring us to a deeper reality of the Lord. Spirit imparts these seven gifts to us – it is His work in our lives. The seven Gifts are divided in two parts; wisdom, understanding and knowledge, are considered contemplative gifts of the Holy Spirit, while counsel, might, reverential fear of the Lord and obedient fear of the Lord are the active gifts. 

The contemplative Gifts are mutually related and God uses these particular gifts to bring us unto Himself so that we may be His entirely – body, soul, and spirit. The active Gifts are designed to bring the contemplative experience into all of our activities and even the smallest details of our lives. But we must give over ourselves to God in complete surrender, allowing God to decide whatever He wants us to do. 

As we consent to the Presence and will of God in our lives, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are realized and we are able then to enjoy authentic fellowship with the Lord. Surrendering completely to God is the only way to have an unlimited capacity to respond to God’s Holy Spirit. 

These seven divine gifts are from God’s supreme gift, the Holy Spirit.
Amen †

The Gifts of The Holy Spirit ©2013 Shelley Johnson 13-May-13

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