Saturday 27 February 2016

A “Well, Whatever” Mentality

Do you ever respond to situations and circumstances with the statement “well, whatever”? Such an answer, as innocent as it may seem, shows that you are not interested, do not care, or are not particularly concerned. This type of response indicates a mentality of indifference. Indifference to certain things may not appear to be a serious concern but when that same mentality starts to seep into other areas of your life, which undoubtedly it will, a tangible problem is created. When you are indifferent about life in general, other people, or the things of God, a real problem exists. It means that nothing really matters to you, you are neither hot nor cold, and you have no sincere care or concern. 

Here are twelve truths about a “well, whatever” mentality:

a “well, whatever” mentality never seeks first the Kingdom of God

a “well, whatever” mentality never moves in the direction of God’s will and purpose

a “well, whatever” mentality is self-absorbed

a “well, whatever” mentality is unfocused and easily distracted

a “well, whatever” mentality is faithless 

a “well, whatever” mentality is an “I give up” mentality

a “well, whatever” mentality is a smaller than mentality

a “well, whatever” mentality is not a “more than a conqueror” mentality

a “well, whatever” mentality does not possess power

a “well, whatever” mentality does not produce deliverance

a “well, whatever” mentality has no vision

a “well, whatever” mentality has no ambition

Having a “well, whatever” mentality corrupts both your moral and spiritual life, and actually robs you of the life God has planned for you. This is certainly not the mentality that God wants you to possess. God wants you to have a transformed mind, a mind for the spiritual, the mind of Christ.

Amen †

A “Well, Whatever” Mentality ©2013 Shelley Johnson 19-Jul-13

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