Friday 26 February 2016

Lord, teach us how to pray

Luke 11:1, as it is written,
“Now Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when He finished, one of His disciples said to Him, ‘Lord, teach us how to pray, as John taught His disciples.’”

The Lord Jesus has taught us all how to pray by giving us a model for prayer. We know it as “The Lord’s Prayer” and all our prayers should follow this example. 

Enter into God’s presence by acknowledging Who He is in adoration, reverence and love. Recognize that it is about God’s will and not your own, even Jesus recognized this. Thank God for His daily provision both in the natural and in the spiritual realms. Then comes your confession of sin, and as you ask God for forgiveness of sin you must also ask Him to teach you how to forgive. After which you pray for protection from the one who lures you into sin and for deliverance from him. End your prayer giving God all praise, honour and glory.

Understand that there is great power in prayer, do not underestimate that power. When you pray focus on God and your conversation with Him; speak then listen in your spirit for His answer. Be confident that God answers your prayers once they are aligned to His will (see John 5:14-15). If you do not know or are unsure of what God’s will is, you can ask Him if He is willing (see Luke 5:12-13).

God desires to have consistent communication with you through prayer, so “pray continually, for this is God’s will for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:17, 18).

Lord, teach us how to pray ©2013 Shelley Johnson 28-Sep-13

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