Thursday 11 February 2016

Season of Lent

The Christian season of Lent is one that is often misunderstood. For so many people today it passes without much thought, whilst for others it's simply a time of "giving up" certain things like chocolate biscuits, crisps, sweets, wine and swearing!

Yet, Lent began as a time of preparation for new believers who were to be baptised at Easter time, and then as time passed other followers of Jesus began to share in this journey of preparation, and so the season of Lent became a significant part of the church's journey through the year.

Traditionally there were three disciplines that were to be practiced in sincerity in Lent as part of our preparation for the journey through Jesus Christ's suffering and triumph in Holy Week. These were fasting, alms giving and prayer. In the worship life of the church, Lent provides for us a wonderful opportunity to reflect on Jesus’ life among us, to prepare for the celebration of Holy Week and to journey toward the Easter resurrection together to discover that God’s perfect love will turn our sorrow into joy, our fear into hope, and our dying into eternal life.

- Rev'd Ann Pollard, Team Vicar, The Team Parish of Dewsbury

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