Monday 15 February 2016

The Power of Christ in You

“My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness”

[2 Corinthians 12:9]

The power of Christ in you is the presence of His Holy Spirit on the inside of you. The Holy Spirit empowers you to do all that God has called you to do; the Holy Spirit empowers you to face all that this life presents. Don’t look at life as burdensome, instead be grateful that your weakness allows God to manifest His power in you. Keep ever present in your mind that it is not by your human effort that all you need to do will be accomplished but it is all done only by the power of Christ in you; you “can do all things through Christ who strengthens you” (Philippians 4:13); you can do so much more through the power of Christ in you – the Holy Spirit – than you can ever do on your own. Beloved, it is very important that you understand this.

At those times of weakness, when you feel powerless, cling to this Truth:

“The Lord is your strength” [see Psalm 28:7]

When you are weak, the Lord is strong! He is your strength! Remember His power! The Lord’s power is in you – He strengthens you with power through his Spirit in your inner being [see Ephesians 3:16].

(See also Psalm 21:13, 62:11, 68:35; Isaiah 40:28-31; Romans 15:13; Ephesians 1:19-20)

The Power of Christ in You ©2013 Shelley Johnson 9-Jul-13

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