Monday 8 February 2016

I Surrender

Pray: God I desire that You empty me of my will, replacing it with Yours, so that I may be in absolute surrender to You. I am Yours, I belong to You, You paid a hefty price for me and I acknowledge Your ownership. I surrender myself and all that I am to You. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

Absolute surrender to God is a decisive step that you must take if you are serious about your spiritual walk and are to become a true follower of Jesus Christ. It is a step toward becoming a living sacrifice as described by Apostle Paul in Romans 12. 

In the Old Testament, the whole animal was laid upon the altar, everything still intact, nothing removed, and sacrificed unto the Lord. In the same way today, you are to offer yourself to God, lay upon His altar keeping nothing but giving it all to Him, everything that we have and everything that we are.

Surrender it all – a complete sacrifice made willingly – and allow yourself to be utterly consumed by the fire of His Holy Spirit, becoming a burnt offering, a sweet and satisfying odor to the Lord.

I Surrender ©2013 Shelley Johnson 12-Apr-13

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