Monday 22 February 2016

What A Gift!

The Lord gives and the Lord takes away…refer to Job 1:21

Job uttered these words in anguish but the truth is, what the Lord gives He does not take back “For God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable” (Romans 11:29). In other words, God does not withdraw His gifts; when the Lord gives it’s irreversible, can’t be cancelled, beyond recall, firm, fixed and final.

However, if we view Job’s lament from a different angle it could be seen as a good thing in that the Lord gives us Life, a new Life, one that is real and full of His Truth, and He takes away all our guilt and self-criticism and self-judgment, our selfishness, our inner turmoil, our low self-esteem, our negativity, our control and dependence on self, and really so much more. 

He strips us of who we think we are, lays us bare, naked and exposed;

He takes away all of our self-imposed limitations;

He crucifies us, the old us, and makes us new – a new birth, a re-birth, a new life in Him – the Lord gives us Life;

He transforms us into who He originally created us to be – a person of Love; a person who lives, in this world but is not of this world – what a gift! Praise God!

What A Gift! ©2009 Shelley Johnson 16-Dec-2009 (22-Feb-16)

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