As a person of God, you can expect to face obstacles, all God’s people do, and there are no exceptions. When you do, the main question that arises is, “Where is your faith?” Is your faith in your own abilities? Are you self-reliant? If it is, and if you are, then you will focus on the obstacle before you, its size and its strength, then at the inadequate resources at your disposal, and your weakness, and you will conclude that there’s no way that you can overcome, and the battle will be already lost. But you’re not in this alone.
King Jehoshaphat was facing three enemies at once – a vast army for which his army was by no inkling of the imagination a match. Jehoshaphat, powerless, admitted that he did not know what to do and turning to God, here’s what God told him,
“Do not be afraid or discouraged…For the battle is not yours, but God’s…You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you…Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged…the Lord will be with you.’”– 2 Chronicles 20:15, 17 (NIV)
Beloved, God does not leave us to fight battles on our own. The truth is, the battle is really between God and His adversary the devil, but as one who belongs to God, you get caught in the melee. Your role is to trust God wholeheartedly, focus on Him and His ability to triumph under all circumstances, stand firm on His Word no matter how things appear to be, and only believe. After all, those who believe will see the glory of God (John 11:40).
Another Word of assurance comes through the prophet Isaiah,
Whatever insuperable circumstances you are faced with, your Father wants you to know that you are not alone, He is with you even when you don’t feel His presence. Remember, He promises to never leave you nor forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6; Hebrews 13:5), now that’s another Word upon which you can stand firm.
Throughout your life, there will be times of conflict, it is inevitable but you must recognize that you have a God who will fight every battle on your behalf. All He wants you to do is leave the fighting up to Him and don’t stop believing Him for the victory, for it is by His mighty powerful hand that every battle is won.
Regardless of how insurmountable the obstacle or how extraordinary the situation, remain God-reliant. Know that God is with you always, walking beside you, your hand in His, and giving you strength in times of warfare. He will accomplish great victories for you to the glory of His name.
You’re Not in this Alone Shelley Johnson 29-Sep-2016