Thursday 8 September 2016

Sight-Seeing Christians

“My word is not enough; you only believe when you see miraculous signs.” (John 4:48 VOICE)

This was Jesus’ response to “a certain official from the king’s court” whose son was on the brink of death. I wonder how many of us can relate to this statement? There are quite a number of Christians who are walking by sight and not by faith, living their lives professing belief and trust in God to anyone that would listen but in actual fact, when the time comes for them to act upon what they’re professing, unless they see a sign it’s difficult for them to truly take God at His Word. They just do not trust what He says. They are sign seeking, sight-seeing Christians – non-believing Believers who must see to believe and aren’t able to grasp the concept of exercising faith (James 2:14-26).

There are many oh-ye-of-little-faith Christians who depend solely on their sight for seeing. Possessing no vision, they are keenly unaware that they are perishing (Proverbs 29:18), and with hearts that follow their eyes, their belief is wrapped up in the gratification of their physical senses. Their trust is purely on the surface, making them surfers of the Word and not divers. Preferring to remain close to shore, never venturing into deep water, they read their bibles daily but never get past the words. 

Sight-seeing Christians can only walk in times of light, in the dark they’re completely lost, with no idea how to get around or where things are, even in a familiar place and so they become paralyzed with fear. Completely relying on their sight for seeing, they’ll cry out, “What sign then are You going to do so we may see and believe You?” (John 6:30 HCSB) but as Christians we are to walk by faith not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7), and like that certain official we must take Jesus at His word (John 4:50). Christians need to remember always that God cannot lie and He does not change His mind, whatever He says He will do He’ll do and whatever He has promised will be fulfilled (Numbers 23:19).

If you are a sight-seeing Christian, know that a Christian’s mark of authenticity is believing before seeing, which denotes genuine faith in God, which is the assurance of things you have not yet physically seen.

If you are a sight-seeing Christian, Jesus is saying to you today, “So, you believe because you’ve seen with your own eyes. Even better blessings are in store for those who believe without seeing.” (John 20:29 MSG)

Sight-Seeing Christians    Shelley Johnson 07-Sep-16

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