Friday 16 September 2016

Thank God for you

“I am constantly thanking God for you in my prayers.” – Philemon 4 (Voice)

That’s what Paul said to Philemon. He considered Philemon to be a great blessing to him and not only did he tell him so, he lets Philemon know that he constantly thanks God for him as well. Have you ever thanked God for the people in your life? Read Paul’s prayers for Philemon in Philemon 4-6. 

You may be thinking that it was easy for Paul to thank God for his friend because of the joy, comfort, and love he brought to him and to others, but the circumstances of your association ought not to make a difference in your remembering to present others to God in prayer. 

Offering genuine prayers for people is an act of love which does not go unnoticed. For instance, it was when Job prayed for his friends that God restored his fortunes, even doubling the wealth that he had before (Job 42:10).

Why don’t you make a concerted effort to remember to thank God for the people who have affected your life? Given some thought, you’d realize that each person has been a blessing in one way or another, even if it may not be readily apparent. People aren’t placed in your life for no reason, and though some come for just a fleeting season, you must appreciate the role every one of them has played and continues to play. 

Paul’s habit of remembering others when he prayed is evidenced in all his epistles. For example, in Romans 1:8, he writes, “Let me say first that I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you…”, in Ephesians 1:16, “I have not stopped thanking God for you. I pray for you constantly” and in Philippians 1:3, he says, “Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God.” How encouraged they must have felt knowing that someone was praying for them. 

We all need to be prayed for, even the most highly regarded Christians – do not for a moment believe that priests and pastors, ministers and members of the clergy, Bishops and preachers, and the Pope are not in need of prayer. Just read John chapter seventeen and you will see that the entire chapter is devoted solely to Jesus praying, first for Himself, then His Disciples, and finally, for all Believers.

If Jesus did it, who are you not to? Form a habit of thanking God for the people He blesses you with, and wherever possible, let them know you are praying for them, it’ll make a difference in their lives.

Thank God for you    Shelley Johnson 15-Sep-16

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