Wednesday 21 September 2016

Raise Your Voice, Speak Loud and Clear…

“…believe and therefore speak” (see 2 Corinthians 4:13)

Every time you speak God’s Word it becomes more alive in you, that’s because the Word of God is a seed, planted in you every time you hear it and seeds take root and grow. And, every time you hear God’s Word, your faith is strengthened, causing you to believe, more and more, the Word which you’re receiving, that Word is now at work in you because you believe.

God’s Word is life-changing, it has the power to transform. So, let God’s Word in your mouth, be God’s power in your life…

Today I boldly proclaim, I believe and therefore I speak and as I speak God’s Word into my life, I hear my own voice and my faith increases. Faith comes from the hearing ear and the hearing ear is from the Word of God. I have hearing ears! I am blessed, because I hear God’s Word and I keep it. I let His Word dwell richly within me…it is alive and active in me…renewing my mind and transforming my life. Amen†

(adapted from 2 Corinthians 4:13; Romans 10:17; Luke 11:28; Colossians 3:16; Hebrews 4:12; Romans 12:2)

Raise Your Voice, Speak Loud and Clear…    Shelley Johnson 21-Sep-2016

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