Thursday 22 September 2016

Say It Back

“Rain and snow fall from the sky. But they don’t return without watering the earth that produces seeds to plant and grain to eat. That’s how it is with My words. They don’t return to Me without doing everything I send them to do.” 
Isaiah 55:10-11 (CEV)

Dear ones, know that God has empowered His Word to accomplish His will and purpose. If you want to see your life transformed and restored, persist in declaring, affirming, and proclaiming God’s Word.

When you speak the Word aloud, you actually say it back to God. Returning God’s Word to Him is not without effect – that is what God Himself tells us in Isaiah 55:11, and God is not a liar. Even though you do not see immediate results, know that God hears every word spoken from your mouth and He watches over His Word to perform it in your life. God is faithful to, and exalts His Word, therefore you must do the same. Give God’s Word the highest place in your life. When you persevere in this, you shall receive what God has promised because you would have been doing His will (see Hebrews 10:36).

So, claim God’s promises by speaking His Word aloud daily and as you speak, God will bring His Word into existence…

I declare that the Lord watches over His Word to perform it in my life. I rehearse God’s Word, therefore I am blessed in whatever I do. He establishes the work of my hands and covers me with His favour. As I say God’s Word back to Him, His purpose is accomplished in my life. I know that God calls those things that are not as though they already were, so even though I do not see I choose to believe…I am blessed, and what I say will come to pass. Amen†

(adapted from Jeremiah 1:12; James 1:25; Psalm 90:17; Isaiah 55:11; Romans 4:17; John 20:29; Mark 11:23)

Say It Back    Shelley Johnson 22-Sep-2016

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