Friday 9 September 2016

Mind Your Own Business

Apostle Paul’s calling was the conversion of the Gentiles. He was commissioned by God to teach the Gentiles how to live a holy life by walking in love. From his various letters to Gentile believers, today you have the opportunity to learn the same things that Paul taught them. His writings demonstrate how you are to treat with the practical everyday issues of life, particularly as it applies to your spiritual walk or journey. In 1 Thessalonians 4, Paul gives instructions on how to live in order to please God, and in verses 10, 11 he says, “…we encourage you…to mind your own business…” (HCSB). 

Before now, did you know that Paul specifically said to mind your own business? Honestly, it came as a surprise to me.

When your behavior is not biblical you create an atmosphere of negativity, not only in our own life but also in the lives of others. The biblical concept is “to mind your own business”, therefore cultivating a habit of minding other people’s business will adversely affect your Christian walk. Keeping your nose out of others' lives leads to a quiet life, fosters good relations between yourself and your neighbour, and promotes brotherly love. 

If you’re a habitual snoop, the day you stop interfering and employ this lesson you’ll find a certain enjoyment of life that you’d never before experienced. That’s because you are relieved of the burden of nosiness. My friend it takes much time, effort and energy to be constantly meddling in everyone else’s affairs. 

Getting involved in things that do not concern you is an unnecessary distraction from your Christian walk that takes you away from those things that do. The time, effort and energy which you should expend on your own business are all wasted on another’s. Now, this doesn’t mean that there won’t be times when God requires you to get involved in assisting persons in one way or the other but it's an entirely different situation when your motive is just to satisfy your hunger for prying or to be in the know. Even if you’ve been told that you have a talent for it, know that God does not anoint anyone to pry, it is not a gift of the Spirit and you need to cut it out. 

When you make it your business to mind your own business you show respect to God, your fellowman, and you win the respect of others. 


Mind Your Own Business    Shelley Johnson 08-Sep-16

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