Worthless religion, that’s what James calls the practice of someone who is careful to observe all the duties of his faith and at the same time talks at will, saying whatever he wants to, and even distorts the truth by taking Scripture out of context, changing God’s eternal Word. James says that that person is delusional.
It is quite possible to regularly attend church, teach Sunday School, be the choir master, the organist, a steward, or even the preacher, and yet practice worthless religion – saved but still walking in error. If you consider yourself a genuine Christian, then you need to be mindful of your words.
In Matthew 15:11 Jesus Himself warns, “Listen, and take this to heart. It’s not what you swallow that pollutes your life, but what you vomit up.”
Your words can be your downfall; they are the expressions of your heart, which is that place deep inside you beyond your conscious thoughts. Jesus, quoting from Isaiah said,
“This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me...” – Mark 7:6,7 (NKJV)
Heed the Word of God and keep a tight rein on your tongue. You’re not obliged to let every single thing come out your mouth. You are responsible for guarding your tongue. Solomon, the wisest man that ever lived said that there’s “A right time to shut up and another to speak up” – Ecclesiastes 3:7 (MSG)
Until you bring your words under submission to God, your service will be useless and you will continue to walk in error. As a Christian, if you believe that it’s okay to say whatever you want because “That’s just who I am, a direct person…I don’t hold back, I speak my mind.” you are self-deceived and practicing lawlessness (see Matthew 7:20-23). God’s law, His Word, tells us what to do, how to behave – and we do not “do” to keep up appearances but out of a love which motivates us to please God.
Only by sincerely searching God’s Word, developing your relationship with Him through Jesus Christ, and allowing His Spirit to truly teach and guide you, will you be able to come out of worthless religion and into God’s “perfect law of liberty” (see James 1:22-25).
“Worthless Religion” Shelley Johnson 26-Sep-2016
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