Tuesday 6 September 2016

Trust, Delight, Commit, and Wait

According to Psalm 37 verse 4, there’s a way for each one of us to see our desires fulfilled, we have to delight ourselves in the Lord. But before that can happen there are three other steps that we must take that will ensure that we receive the desires of our hearts. 

God is a God of order, He never does anything haphazardly. The account of Creation is a prime example of the orderly way in which God carries out His tasks. God’s way is a step by step process that cannot fail and it will serve you well to follow His sequence. Skipping steps is foolhardy at best.

When God gives you a promise there are four crucial steps that you must follow if you are to experience the fulfillment of your desires. Each step in this sequence, found in verses 3, 4, 5, and 7 of Psalm 37, has a name and can be applied to every area of your life. 

  • The first step is Trust. 

Trust in God, rely on Him, take refuge in Him, submit to Him, and be confident that what He says He will do, He will certainly do. It’s trusting God wholeheartedly, giving Him full control of every situation in your life and allowing Him to have His way. Placing your trust in neighbours, friends, family, or even yourself, is likely to result in failure but God will never fail you, for He is faithful and does not change.

  • The second is Delight. 

Delight yourself in God. You do that by keeping close company with God so that you get to know Him intimately and savour His ways. It’s allowing your will to be aligned to His so that He becomes all in all in your life, causing you to earnestly and passionately seek Him first and eagerly give up your heavy-laden labour to Him. When you delight yourself in God, you see Him and embrace Him as your Abba, Father.

  • The next step is Commit. 

Commit everything to God – your walk, your cause, your ways, your vision, your goals, your intentions, your plans, your family, and your entire life. It’s relinquishing your control of every single situation and circumstance that concerns you, good and bad, and allowing God to take over completely. It’s taking your hands off of your life, and placing it squarely in His in utter dependence on Him. When you commit in this manner, God promises to act on your behalf to bring about the desires of your heart which are no longer outside of His will for you. God can now be God in your life, for your good and His glory.

  • The last in this list is Wait.

To wait patiently for God is seldom an act of passive patience. It’s actively and expectantly waiting on God’s perfect timing. God is never late…everything God says will happen will surely be fulfilled. Waiting on God means to not give up but to remain steadfast in your trust in Him, daily delighting yourself in Him, and resolutely committing all to Him. It’s having a steady belief in God despite what appears to be a delay. When you’re waiting on God take courage and do not get frustrated or weary but instead consistently thank Him as you keep in mind that there’s an appointed time for every matter under heaven. Be patient in your waiting and God promises to be good to you.

Beloved, if you follow these steps as ordered by God, His perfect will for your life is guaranteed to come to pass because your heartfelt desires will align with God’s desires for you, and when they do, He will establish your very thoughts, then blessings will follow in ways beyond your imagination.


Trust, Delight, Commit, and Wait    Shelley Johnson 04-Sep-16

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