Tuesday 20 September 2016

Declare, Affirm, and Proclaim…

After yesterday’s post, I thought that it would be a good idea for us to speak positive declarations, affirmations, and proclamations into and over our lives for the entire week. So, let’s count yesterday’s powerful declaration as the first, and the last shall be on Friday. But please do not stop there, continue the practice…simply choose a Scripture verse and personalize it.

Yesterday a very familiar verse was adapted but perhaps you could search for those not-so-well-known yet powerful verses to materialize God’s awesome and power-packed promises into your lives. 

We, too often, shy away from making grandiose declarations over our lives, when in fact, we serve a mighty God who has no limits and for whom nothing is too hard. An amazing God, able to do immeasurably more than all we could ever ask or imagine (see Ephesians 3:20).

We’re boxed in by the confines of this limited world, but God isn’t – as the universe is vast, He is even more so…hummmn, just give that a moment to sink in. Our minds cannot truly grasp the immensity of our God. Think bigger! Expect more! Open your hearts to receive God’s best, and embrace it all…

Today I affirm, that God continues to bless me and enlarge my borders; His power remains with me and He delivers me from evil and keeps me from harm. Amen†

(adapted from 1 Chronicles 4:10)

Declare, Affirm, and Proclaim…    Shelley Johnson 19-Sep-16

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