Monday 28 March 2016

“Forty Stripes Minus One”

“From the Jews five times I received forty stripes minus one.” – 2 Corinthians 11:24

Christ endured beating and bloodiness on our account and so we must apply it personally if we are to truly understand and appreciate what He subjected Himself to for us. 

Make a personal application from Christ’s suffering on your account at Calvary. Each stripe was an antidote for every sin you have committed, are committing and will ever commit. Each lash, of that cat-o-nine tails across His bare flesh was to counteract the poisonous effects of sin in your life. Each stripe Jesus suffered is significant to fulfill every need you will ever have in your life. You must realize that Jesus Christ purchased your punishment with His own blood so that you may possess every promise God has made you – it is a gift from Him, through His Son. Embrace the Giver and the gift.

When you are re-born in Christ, His sacrifice becomes your birthright. Do not reject your birthright for a bowl of stew (Genesis 25:30-34) but release your faith to accept and receive it as your pre-eminent right. You must establish Christ’s Passion in your heart, so that His Finished Work would not be in vain.

It was because of His great love for you, that Jesus Christ bore the full brunt of strokes that could have been administered, and with each stripe, provided for you,

Salvation                                   Acts 4:12

Forgiveness                              1 John 1:9

The Holy Spirit                        Acts 2:38

Redemption                             Titus 2:14

Freedom from Guilt and Condemnation             Romans 8:1-2

Healing                                      1 Peter 2:24

Fruitfulness                             John 15:1-8

Faithfulness of God              1 Corinthians 1:9

Divine Weapons                    2 Corinthians 10:4

Spiritual Authority               Luke 10:19

Holiness                                    1 Peter 1:14-16

Righteousness                        2 Corinthians 5:21

Sanctification                         Hebrews 13:12

Grace                                           John 1:16

Knowledge                               1 Timothy 2:4

Hope                                           1 Peter 3:15

Mercy                                         1 Peter 2:10

A New Identity                      2 Corinthians 5:17

Love                                            1 John 3:1

Peace                                          John 14:27

Joy                                               Acts 14:17

Justice                                       Romans 12:19

Rest                                             Matthew 11:28

Pardon                                       Isaiah 55:7

Safety                                         Psalm 4:8

Success                                     Joshua 1:8

Abundant Life                      John 10:10

A Teacher                                 1 John 1:27

An Advocate                           1 John 2:1

A Mediator                              1 Timothy 2:5

An Intercessor                       Romans 8:34

Understanding                      1 Corinthians 2:12

Supply                                        Philippians 4:19

Power                                         John 1:12

Humility                                   Philippians 2:3. 5

Wisdom                                     James 1:5

Truth                                         John 16:13

Victory                                      1 Corinthians 15:57

Eternal Life                            John 3:16

“Forty Stripes Minus One” ©2013 Shelley Johnson 7-Sep-13

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