Monday 21 March 2016

In the Sandals of…

This week, as you reflect upon the events of Jesus’ last few days on earth, see yourself in the sandals of those individuals who played a pivotal role in Christ’s crucifixion, then in the sandals of Jesus Himself, and allow yourself to feel the emotions as the events unfold:

Judas’ betrayal

Caiphas’ dogged determination

the testimonies of the two false witnesses

Peter’s denial, not once but three times

the lead-tipped whip

Pilate’s concession

the crowd’s manic outcry as they made their choice

the abandonment

the cruel cross

the pounding of the nails into the hands and into the feet

the utter thirst

the bleeding side…

Jesus Christ experienced all this so that you don’t have to. He was innocent! He gave His life so that you may have Life. Unless you allow Jesus to come into your life, you are lost in your sins – without Him you are without hope of eternal life. 


In the Sandals of… ©2014 Shelley Johnson 14-Apr-2014

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