Tuesday 22 March 2016

The Power of “Re”

In this Holy week, let us Re-flect on the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ Who Re-linquished the comfort, the splendor and the glory of Heaven to come into this cruel and sin-filled world to Re-deem us all.

“…Jesus Christ…though He was God…laid aside His mighty power and glory…” – Philippians 2:5,6,7

Jesus came to Re-turn us to God; to Re-concile us to Him through the cross. Jesus came to save us. He Re-moves our guilty stains, and Re-members them no more.

“I will never again remember their sins and lawless deeds.” – Hebrews 10:17

But there is something that each of us must do, if we are to Re-ceive this gift of salvation; it’s a simple Re-quirement really:

Believe in Jesus Christ, the One God has sent (John 6:29), Re-alize your sinful condition, Re-nounce your sinful ways, and Re-pent.

God will Re-store you to Himself by Re-creating you in Christ Jesus, and, through the power of the Holy Spirit, you become a new person, internally Re-freshed and Re-newed – Re-born. 

Your life will be Re-started in intimate Re-lationship with Jesus and your former desires and cravings will seem Re-pulsive. You won’t Re-peat your former behaviour because you’re no longer dead in transgressions but alive with Christ…Re-joice!

The Power of “Re” © 2014 Shelley Johnson 16-Apr-14

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