Sunday 13 March 2016

God Approves of You

When you enter into God’s House through the shed Blood of Jesus, you are totally welcome in the Home. You have been accepted and approved by God.

1 Thessalonians 2:4, as it is written,
“…just as we have been approved by God…to please God…”

As a chosen child of God, you have been approved for His pleasure, approved, like Jeremiah, before He formed you in the womb (see Jeremiah 1:5). God approves of you. He is not disappointed in you and you are not a regret of God’s – you have received His approval and today you must accept and embrace and receive that approval. Reading, studying and meditating on the Word of God will help you to better understand who you are as an approved child of God; you will expand your knowledge and God’s Word will provide you with the affirmation you desire.

Now, the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.

God Approves of You ©2013 Shelley Johnson 2-Sep-13

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