Tuesday 8 March 2016

What have you been teaching Children?

Children imitate the way others act, and mimic the words that others speak; especially their parents, other adults, and even other children. They are more often attracted by the behavior of those who are older.

Children are always watching and listening. Their little ears are tuned in not only to what we say but how it’s said, to them and to others. Their big bright eyes are always picking up the slightest of actions.

Words are like seeds that take root in the heart. So, what have you been saying? And, how is your behavior? Do you speak to children respectfully or do you treat them as if they are not important and a bother? What impression have you left with them? Have your words been kind like honey, sweet for their souls and healthy for their little bodies? [Proverbs 16:24] Have your words been gentle or have you spoken words that break their spirits? [Proverbs 15:4]

Children are very impressionable and they are taught with words and by example. What have you been teaching children – the children that are around you, in your home, in your neighbourhood and even the children in your congregation?

Determine today to speak words that will edify others, especially children and young people; words that are always gracious and tastefully seasoned (see Colossians 4:6), with kindness and love. And walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him (see Colossians 1:10).

What have you been teaching Children? © 2013 Shelley Johnson 1-Jun-13

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