Tuesday 29 September 2015

A Stone Instead?

Yesterday’s post, “Our Daily Bread”, has propelled me headlong into today’s.

Because of the many references to bread throughout Scripture, it is obvious to me that Bread was of great importance to our Lord Jesus. I realize that Bread is not only representative of physical sustenance but carries deep spiritual significance.

From the very start of the Gospel, the significance of bread is evident, for even Jesus’ place of birth draws reference to it. An early introduction to Who Jesus was, Bethlehem, means "House of Bread". I know that it will take too many blog posts to flesh out all of its symbolism.

Jesus described Himself, and His flesh as living bread (John 6:48-51). He is the real food, His body, the living bread, broken at Calvary so that we all may partake. Just as the bread was broken and multiplied to feed the multitudes (Matthew 14:13-21; 15:32-39), so too Jesus’ body was broken at the cross, then multiplied to feed the multitudes, that's all of us.

Jesus came to feed the whole world with spiritual bread. Bread that is far superior to physical bread, and will sustain the eater forever. Jesus is the Bread that we may eat and not die. Jesus is the Bread of Life (John 6:33, 35).

“You parents – if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead?” – Matthew 7:9 (NLT)

This reference to bread and stone carries a much deeper meaning than what we first perceive. It is actually a comparison between life and death.

In John 11:39-41, we are told that the stone had to be rolled away for Lazarus to come forth from death to life.

Similarly, the stone, rolled away from the tomb of our Lord, represented His emergence from death to Life but that stone was rolled away after He had already left the tomb (read Matthew 28:1-6 carefully to see this) since neither stone nor death could conquer our Lord Jesus.

If we take this same verse above and replace the words “bread” and “stone” with the words “life” and “death” it will read,

“You parents – if your children ask for life, do you give them death instead?”

Our heavenly Father, has given us the gift of life through His Son Jesus, Who has conquered death on our behalf. We deserve death but our merciful and loving Father has given us both physical 
and spiritual provision, abundant life, and eternal life instead. Have you asked Him for bread? He will never give you a stone instead!

Amen †

A Stone Instead? Shelley Johnson 28-Sep-15

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