Wednesday 16 September 2015

And We Know It Not

God is here. He is omnipresent; that means that God is everywhere that we are. Wherever we are, God is. He is present observing each of our lives unfold. 

The Word assures us that God is not far from each of us; for in Him we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28).

Jacob exclaimed in his “aha moment”, Surely the Lord is in this place, and I knew it not (Genesis 28:16). Therein lies our problem…and we know it not.

God is with us, He is here, and we know it not. We do not truly grasp the concept of our omnipresent God. We do not truly grasp that there is no place He is not; we cannot conceive of a place where God is not. This truth seems to be above our basic comprehension – too lofty for the limitations of our imaginations.

"Where can I go from Your presence?" Psalm 139:7 (see verses 1- 10)

We are never outside of the presence of God. We read it, we say it, but we do not truly understand the enormity of such a truth. That God’s all-pervading presence is ever before us and around us. But alas, like Jacob, we know it not. That is our trouble – we do not know it, we do not know that truth. If we did, what a difference it would make. Knowing and understanding and believing that God is here is an awareness that too many of us do not have. We pray for and seek the manifestation of God’s presence when it is already here.

God is with us even when we are utterly unaware of it. But as we open ourselves to the work of His Spirit within, the more God will be revealed to us. God will manifest Himself to us, for it is the Spirit Who shows us the Father and the Son. And we are drawn nearer into relationship with God.

Amen +

And We Know It Not Shelley Johnson 06-Sep-2015

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