Tuesday 22 September 2015

“I Am the Light of the world”

“And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light.”
Genesis 1:3 (NIV)

In the beginning, God spoke light into existence; it was on day one of creation, before anything else was created. On that first day of creation only one light existed, there was not yet any other source of light, no sun, no moon, and no stars, there was only the true light [John 1:9] reflecting the glory of God the Father, that is Jesus Christ, the Light of the world.

Christ Himself subsequently created the sun, moon and stars (Ephesians 3:9 KJV; Colossians 1:15-16 KJV) to serve specific purposes in connection with the earth and only for a limited time. But the Light of the world is eternal, shining forth from age to age and is so powerful that it still shines today and will continue to be a beacon for every human being in this dark world.

Genesis 1:4 (NIV), as it is written,
“God saw that the light was good...”

God was pleased with the Light of the world that He called into existence for it was this Light, Jesus Christ, through whom man would be reconciled with God. Since then, God had already made provision for the restoration of fallen man through the light of Jesus Christ because it is in the light of Christ that we must examine ourselves in order to recognize our sin.

As believers we are engulfed in the pure white light of Jesus Christ:

· the light of Christ reveals the safe path on which to walk;

· the light of Christ guides our way along our spiritual walk;

· the light of Christ illuminates the clear path to reconciliation with God.

God has given us much more than light for our path, He has given us His own Beloved Son, the Light of the world, in whom He is well pleased.

As the Light of the world, Jesus offers Himself to us as the one who brings clarity and a new perspective to our lives especially after long periods of dark trials and challenges.

It was the blinding Light of Christ that Saul encountered on that road to Damascus that utterly transformed his perspective forever, to the degree that he became a brand new person with a brand new name, unrecognizable from the man he was before. From an overzealous and arrogant persecutor of Christ to an ardent yet humble expositor of the Truth of the Gospel of Christ.

Jesus, the Light of the world, is the guiding light for everyone who chooses to follow Him [John 1:4; 8:12; 9:5].

Genesis 1:4 (NIV), as it is written,
“…and He separated the light from the darkness.”

Recall Judas, and understand that if we choose to separate ourselves from the Light, then we’re walking in darkness, for the Word of God plainly states, “As soon as Judas had taken the bread, he went out. And it was night.” [John 13:30]. Judas chose to walk away from the Light out into the darkness of sin and betrayal. The more we walk in Christ’s light, the less appealing the darkness of sin becomes.

John 12:46 (KJV), as it is written,
“I am come a Light into the world, that whosoever believeth on Me should not abide in darkness.”

When you recognize Jesus Christ as the Light of the world, the beauty of who Jesus is and who you are in Him is revealed, and you will not live in the darkness of sin.

Amen †

“I Am the Light of the world” [John 8:12] ©2013 Shelley Johnson 26-Apr-13

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