Sunday, 27 September 2015

“I AM the True Vine”

Jesus’ seventh and last “I AM” statement of His identity is found in John chapter fifteen verse one, 

“I AM the True Vine”

It is the climax of His declarations of identity as recorded in John’s gospel. Jesus compared Himself to a vine so that by looking at a vine we can gain a better understanding of who He is. 

Let us take a very brief look at a grapevine:

There is one main vine with many branches or off shoots that extend from it. The root, which we cannot see, feeds the vine; diffusing sap from which the many branches are nourished. This rich source of nourishment causes the branches to bear much fruit. 

The root, the vine and its branches are all connected and work together in harmony as one to produce a bountiful harvest. 

And even when branches are grafted in, they become one with the vine.

Jesus was conveying to us the importance of staying connected to Him. He is not just any vine, He is The True Vine. By using the word true, Jesus is telling us that there is a false vine. 

This false vine is the devil who “masquerades as an angel of light”. Apostle Paul in his second letter to the Corinthians (11:13-14), warns us about other false vines, men and women who pretend to be prophets and teachers and preachers but are masters of deceit and agents of the devil. If we were to heed their teachings we will be spiritually destroyed and killed (2 Kings 4:39; John 10:10).

Jesus is proclaiming His authenticity as the only True Vine. He is the only legitimate Source of spiritual nourishment and sustenance; He is the giver and creator of Life (Colossians 1:16-17).

The only way we can be sure of the identity of the True Vine, is by knowing the Vine. 

Only Jesus can tell us who He is. Studying the written Word of God will reveal the Living Word of God, Jesus. 

Giving our lives to Jesus completely, allowing Him to abide in us and we in Him, will bring us into intimate relationship with Him and give us a deep understanding of the I AM who I AM.


“I AM the True Vine” [John 15:1] ©2013 Shelley Johnson 2-May-13

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