Sunday 20 September 2015

“I AM who I AM”

Keeping focused on Jesus will transform a person’s life. In order for us to experience this transformation we need to understand who we are in Christ. In order for us to understand who we are in Christ, we need to know who Jesus is. In order for us to know who Jesus is, we need to study who He says He is. And when we know who Jesus is, it will change, not just how we see ourselves but it will transform who we are.

In the Gospel of John, Jesus proclaimed seven “I AM” statements.

  1.  I AM the Bread of LifeJohn 6:35, 48 & 51
  2.  I AM the Light of the worldJohn 8:12
  3.  I AM the DoorJohn 10:7
  4.  I AM the Good ShepherdJohn 10:11-14
  5.  I AM the Resurrection and the LifeJohn 11:25
  6.  I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life John 14:6
  7.  I AM the True Vine John 15:1

Jesus is all we require to live the authentic Christian life. His all sufficient grace and His power allow us to fulfill the call of God on our lives [2 Corinthians 12:9].

The Word of God tells us that as Jesus is so are we in this world [1 John 4:17], so let us pray for a revelation of this Truth, fix our eyes on Him and be completely transformed, not just in the way we see ourselves, but in every aspect of our lives.

And every day of this week we shall take a closer look at each "I AM" proclamation of Jesus Christ in an effort to understand Who Jesus is and who we are in Him.

Amen †

“I AM who I AM” ©2013 Shelley Johnson 24-Apr-13

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