Wednesday 9 September 2015

To Obey is Better

All my material for this blog is stored on my laptop but recently, over the past few days, I've not been able to post anything from it since, for some odd reason, there's no internet access on my little laptop.

Now, when I received the instruction from God to begin a blog, He mentioned something about a tablet. Now, I hadn't a tablet nor the means to acquire one but, if God says so then it is so...not so? However, I did not begin blogging for I had no tablet on which to blog. But I had all this stuff that I'd written stored on my little laptop. Then one day, lo and behold, I was given a tablet. 

Humans have a malady named disobedience. We may not intend to be, but it works out that way. For some, it takes many takes before obedience kicks into gear. So now that I received this gracious gift of a tablet I proceeded to begin blogging...on my little laptop.

Thank God, I thought, the blog was up and running; it quickly acquired regular readers and I was as pleased as punch as they say. Finally I was a blogger...blogging upon my little laptop while my newly received tablet looked on.

Why do we do it? Why do we not follow every word of instruction? The time has come for us to truly understand that partial obedience is disobedience. We cannot obey halfway. Yes I'm blogging; but did I not hear "on your tablet"? Didn't I receive said tablet upon which to blog? So then, why was I still pounding out words on my little laptop? It is sheer disobedience on my part. And I believe that because I wasn't following all God's instructions my little laptop lost access to the internet and I now have no other choice, I must turn to this gracious gift of a tablet. 

Today, let us determine to live in obedience to every word of God for as it is written,

"What is more pleasing to the LORD: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to His voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams." 1 Samuel 15:22 (NLT)

To Obey is Better   Shelley Johnson 08-Sep-2015

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