Wednesday 25 November 2015

A Good Life...let us pray...

Dear Lord, You are the only foundation of my life. Your wisdom and Your love are without end. You are the Creator of all things and You have planned all things from the beginning of time. And so Lord, I know that You have planned a good life for me, to prosper me, to give me hope and a great future.

I thank You that I have such a life. I thank You that I have love in my relationships with my family, and I live in a happy home. I thank You that I live life in harmony, peace and love. 

Lord, remind me to keep You as the central focus of my life. Help me to always understand that when I accepted Your Son, Jesus Christ, as my Lord and Saviour, a holy and divine covenant was established. Help me to also understand that being in relationship with You does not preclude me from challenges and that even in the midst of those challenges I can still find joy in life as I place complete trust in You. Lord, I realize that if there is any unhappiness and distrust, it is because I have shifted my focus and strayed from the example which Christ set for me. 

I pray that as time goes on, Your Holy Spirit will bear in me the Christ-like characteristics of, patience, kindness, faithfulness and empathy. I pray that I will always listen to Your small still voice. I pray that I will always speak words that lift up and not tear down. I pray that my attitude toward others would create a positive environment and that I will love and accept others unconditionally, just as You love and accept me as I am. 

Holy Spirit, if I am the cause of another’s hurt or if someone is the cause of mine, help me to quickly forgive, and be swift to heal our wounded emotions. Forgive me for those times when I was insensitive, and when I was so self-absorbed that I failed to recognize the needs and the pain of those close to me, those around me, and those I meet along the way. 

Lord, continue to bless me; let me never yield to temptation but deliver me from the destructive plans of the evil one. Remind me to pray, not just for myself, but for others, and help me always to encourage others in the Lord. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

A Good Life ©2014 Shelley Johnson 24-May-14

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