Monday 23 November 2015

God gives without measure

It is not possible to overestimate the value of the gift of the Cross. 

This agonizing and humiliating act of perfect obedience, borne from a love that is too great to fully understand, removed our sins completely and forever, healed all our diseases, brought us into spiritual union with God, made us righteous in God’s eyes, conquered death, utterly destroyed our unseen spiritual adversary, gained our freedom and gave us eternal life by providing the way for us to be reunited to God through Christ. 

Christ gave the ultimate gift of Himself as a ransom for every human being. Not grudgingly but from a heart filled with love for His people. 

We, like Christ, must give to others from our hearts, cheerfully and without worrying about the cost to us. God did not count the cost then and does not count the cost now; He gives without measure.

Amen †

God gives without measure ©2013 Shelley Johnson 14-Mar-13

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