Friday 6 November 2015

“Jesus Prayed For You”

“I am praying for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those You have given Me, for they belong to You.” – John 17:9

In John chapter 17, Jesus, before facing His inevitable death on the cross for our sake, looked heavenward and prayed. He prayed for His disciples, and for all believers. This means that Jesus prayed for you, in love and with fervent sincerity.

Read the following, inserting your own name in the spaces and hear the voice of Jesus as He prays for you,

“I pray for _________. I am not praying for the world, but for __________ whom You have given Me, for he/she is Yours…Holy Father, protect him/her by the power of Your Name…so that he/she may have the full measure of My joy within him/her. My prayer is not that You take _________ out of the world but that You protect him/her from the evil one. Sanctify ________ by the Truth; Your Word is Truth. …Father, I want ________ to see My glory. May the love You have bestowed upon Me be felt in his/her heart, and may I Myself be in him/her.”

Jesus Christ so loves and cares for us that He Himself prayed for us then, and still does today as our Intercessor.

Beloved, in John 11:42 Jesus says, “I know You always hear and listen to Me.”, so be encouraged and rest assured that God hears and listens to Jesus’ prayers whenever He prays for you. 

“Jesus Prayed For You” [John 17:9] © 2014 Shelley Johnson 10-Apr-14

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