Saturday 28 November 2015

Aren’t You Thirsty?

Have you ever been so thirsty, that every pore in your body seemed to be crying out, “Water! Water!”? But no matter how much water you drink, your thirst is still not quenched. Hmmm, this may not be a physical thirst...

Our Lord Jesus said, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. Whoever believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water shall flow from within him.” The passage goes on to say, “By this He meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were later to receive.” 
John 7:37-39

The Bible clearly tells us that the living water of which Jesus spoke is indeed the Spirit, and we ought to be thirsty for the Holy Spirit of God. In Isaiah 44:3 it is written, “For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out My Spirit on your offspring, and My blessing on your descendants.”

It is clear, from the Word, that “thirst” is a condition that precedes the in-filling and the out-flowing of the Holy Spirit. Just as without water life dies, without Spirit we are spiritually dead; like water, Spirit is vital to life. 

God has placed into the words of the New Testament, the absolute necessity for every believer to receive the Spirit as a real and definite experience. God brings us to that point of need, where we realize, deep within our beings, an intense desire for more of Him. We feel parched and extreme dryness and we cry out for His water, His Spirit, to saturate us, quench our thirsty souls, refresh us, and bring forth the reality of Life. It is a calling out for the baptism with the Holy Spirit.

As believers in Christ, everything within us should be crying out, “Spirit! Spirit!” We ought to have a yearning for the baptism with the Holy Spirit that Jesus Himself spoke of in Acts 1:5. And when we cry out for God to satisfy this spiritual thirst, we will be transformed from dry, thirsty Christians to Christians that are vibrant and alive, able to share the Life of God’s own Spirit within us with others wherever we go. 

Throughout the Word of God, from Genesis to Revelation, the Holy Spirit is symbolized by water and spoken of in relation to water. We also see this Truth as it relates to thirst in Isaiah 35:7, 41:17-18, 43:20, 55:1, 58:11; Jeremiah 2:13; Amos 8:11; Matthew 10:42; Luke 16:24; John 4:4-15; Revelation 22:17. 

Aren’t you thirsty? Purposely cry out, “Spirit! Spirit!” and allow the Holy Spirit to quench your thirst.

Amen †

Aren’t You Thirsty? ©2013 Shelley Johnson 16-Apr-13

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