Sunday 29 November 2015

Who do you believe you are?

Who do you believe you are? Have you ever really taken the time to answer that question? Think about it. Who do you believe you are? And the question that must follow is…How do you see yourself?

We often have a particular belief and perception of who we are, from other’s opinions and especially, from what we tell ourselves. Do you know that studies have shown that we believe more of what we say about ourselves than anything else? Imagine that! The things you say about yourself, those words you declare over your life, have the potential to make you or break you. 

The Bible tells us that our tongues have the power of death and life (Proverbs 18:21). So, think carefully, and wisely consider what you’re saying about you because when we listen to our own words and we begin to believe in our hearts what we hear, what we believe in our hearts is what we become. 

“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he…” Proverbs 23:7

Who you think you are in your heart will determine who you believe you are.

What you say about yourself, will determine who you believe you are.

“…the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart…” Matthew 15:18. 

Do you understand what that means? If you speak lies, failure and defeat about yourself, you will accept those things which you’ve heard, to be true about you, then you will never become the person God created you to be. You will never see yourself as God sees you. When you begin to believe who God says you are and when you begin to see yourself as He sees you, your life will be radically changed.

You must change your perception and change your conversation. Study the Word of God and find out the Truth of who you are. Begin to speak God’s words about you, and your life will never be the same again. 

Amen V

Who do you believe you are? ©2013 Shelley Johnson 28-May-13

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