Sunday 1 November 2015

“For He is Faithful”

When we are confronted by the thought of faithfulness, we imagine someone who is trustworthy, reliable, true to his word, and adheres to the promises he makes. We are to think the same of God when we read in Scripture of God’s faithfulness, but yet, with God there is still so much more because being faithful is Who God is, it is His character, His DNA. In Paul’s second letter to Timothy he writes,

“…He will remain faithful, for He cannot disown Himself.” [2 Timothy 2:13 – NIV]

This means that God cannot deny Himself! God is bound by who He is and cannot contradict Himself. And, God being God, He must be true to His character. Understand, that contained within the very Fruit of God’s Spirit is the attribute of Faithfulness, therefore Faithfulness is an inherent part of God.

Now that we know this about God, as believers, shouldn’t we take on the responsibility of being faithful? Persons who others can rely on to keep our word? Persons who are trustworthy and keepers of the promises we make? Persons who are consistent with truth? Persons who are faithful to the faith we profess?

“Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for He is faithful that promised).” [Hebrews 10:23 – KJV]

Holding fast is a symptom of faithfulness; it demonstrates adherence to something or someone; it indicates commitment to and full conviction of truth. God holds fast to the profession of His faithfulness and as His children we must determine to do the same. Because it is characteristic of man to become double minded, God’s Word exhorts us to stand firmly “without wavering”.

“God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should change His mind. Does He speak and then not act? Does He promise and not fulfill?” [Numbers 23:19 – NIV]

God never wavers, so we can trust God to do what He promises. God always keeps His Word and when He speaks, He speaks Truth and His Words of Truth are spoken into eternity. 

God’s faithfulness can awaken faith in us and when we allow our faith to be awakened, we can be sure that God will fulfill every Word He has spoken and every promise He has made, for He is Faithful.

Amen †

“For He is Faithful” ©2013 Shelley Johnson 3-Sept-13

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