Tuesday 3 November 2015

Let’s get personal: “In His Time”

Let’s get personal:

From time to time I will share some of my personal experiences with you, in the hope that they might help you with whatever you may be going through. Today is one of those times.

“In His Time”

Over the years, I’ve come to realize that God is constantly teaching us lessons. It is fortunate when we recognize this. 

Some years ago I’d found myself overwhelmed by anxiety, wondering when and how my life was going to take shape. I was forever trying to figure things out and trying to put certain things in place. (I liked things to be in order…no gray, only black and white)

Despite having placed all my cares and burdens in God’s hands, there I was, unsuccessfully, putting my life in order. One day I’d be as confident as a Venezuelan in the Miss Universe Competition, and the next I felt like Thomas. I know that right now, some of you are thinking, “Thomas? Who the heck is Thomas?” Yes, Thomas. Thomas from the Bible, Doubting Thomas – John 20:24-29.

Anyway, it was on one of my Thomas days that I became unnervingly irritated by my neighbour’s mooing cow. Now this cow had been grazing behind the fence just below my bedroom for over a week and I was cool. Actually, unless someone pointed it out, I really didn’t even notice the cow’s moo. This particular day however, its mooing seemed unbearable, and as I stepped out of the shower, even louder than ever. “Ugh!” I exclaimed in utter annoyance, as I began reminding God of a few things.

I reminded God about having faith, about mustard seeds and mountains, and then, in Jesus’ name, I commanded that cow to “Move!!!” Wow, for five minutes not a sound – I had the power! 

Satisfied with myself, I curled up in bed – peace and quiet at last – time for some relaxation.

Minute seven…

The Diva of Cowdom was at it again. She belt out her best performance ever. She was on a roll – ain’t no stoppin' her now. I felt as though the cow was next to me in my bed. It was that loud. And I took it personally. 

Again, I reminded God, also Jesus, and all the angels in heaven, about what the Word said…the faith, the tiny mustard seed, the great mountains just waiting to be moved, about answering prayers, about all the faith I possessed. All this time, to the background music of the Leontyne Price of the meadow. (For those of you who may not know, Leontyne Price is an internationally acclaimed opera singer)

I decided to take my “beef” to the source of my troubles. We were now face to face. We looked each other straight in the eyes. Only chain link and a few arbitrary leaves separated us.

I made the first move…

“Why are you doing this?” I did not wait for an answer as I pressed on, “Who are you mooing to? There are no cows to moo to!” I reasoned, albeit exasperatedly.

She took what seemed like a deep, deliberate breath, kept her stare fixed on me and let me have it. I turned on my heels and marched back to my bedroom. She was relentless as she continued her “bad-mind” throughout the night.


I was in my garden when I spied my neighbour, the Cattle Whisperer, fiddling with the rope of a silent calf. Now was my opportunity; I needed answers…I craved vengeance. I sashayed to the fence and created small talk about cows in general, then moved on to my nemesis. 

He asked as if he already knew my answer, “Did she keep you awake?” 

I smiled as revenge did a happy dance in my mind, I was about to get crass but instead, decency came forward and diplomacy prevailed, escaping through my mouth as a coy and genteel “Oh, no-no-no I did get some rest.”

With that he offered mangoes anytime and we parted ways amicably.

As night fell, it dawned on me that I hadn’t heard the cow’s song since my cordial chat with the neighbourly Cattle Whisperer. I looked over the fence from the balcony of my bedroom, she was not there, only the silent calf stood alone in the silhouette of dusk.

Great God, what a lesson…God can use anything and anyone to teach us a lesson. God, You and You alone have the power! The power to make things happen. The power to turn things around. The power to change situations and circumstances.

Even though God may choose to use us, the power is all God’s. It is His power and it is in His time.

I slept well in the silent darkness.

“In His Time” Shelley Johnson 10-Apr-2001

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