Wednesday 18 November 2015

Have a Heart to Serve

“His mother said to the servants, ‘Do whatever He tells you.’…Jesus said to the servants, ‘Fill the jars with water’; so they filled them to the brim.” – John 2:5, 7

God is looking for a heart that is willing to serve. God is not looking for the best or the one with the most degrees or letters behind his name. God is looking for the ordinary man and woman with a heart to serve. You see God uses the ordinary to perform the extraordinary. God chooses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise and the weak to shame the mighty [see 1 Corinthians 1:27].

God chooses whomever He desires to do His will. He does not look at the things we look at; we look at the outward appearance but God, He looks at our hearts [see 1 Samuel 16:7]. Do you have a heart to serve?

At the wedding at Cana [John 2], Jesus used the servants in the performance of His first recorded miracle. They were not on the guest list, they were there only to serve the specially invited guests and serve they did, beyond what they could ever have expected. The unspeakable at any wedding of the day had occurred – the wine had run out and Jesus turned to the ordinary servants to assist in an extraordinary event.

What was it about these particular servants? They were willing to do whatever Jesus told them to do. They made themselves available to Him. They waited for Jesus’ instruction and direction and followed it precisely. They not only filled the jars when told to do so, they filled the jars to the brim.

Are you prepared to make yourself available like the servants at that wedding at Cana? Are you willing to serve in whatever capacity God may choose? Are you willing to be used by God even at those times when you do not understand what God is doing? Are you willing to accept the task before you know what that task is? Do you have a willing heart to serve?

It takes humility to submit yourself as a vessel to be used by God; to say, “Here I am; send me!” when you hear the voice of God [see Isaiah 6:8]. It takes humility to recognize that God uses different people from different walks of life to carry out His plans here on earth. It takes humility to serve; to wrap a towel around your waist and wash another’s feet. Do you have a humble heart to serve?

Are you ready to place yourself in position to be used by God? Are you willing to believe the unbelievable and see the unimaginable? Are you willing to fill the jar to the brim with water, when wine is required? Are you willing to give 100% of yourself in service to God rather than the 10% you’d normally give? Are you willing to go all the way?

Are you ready to be that person of excellence in your service to God’s work here on earth? Are you ready to follow God’s directions precisely in obedience, in trust and in faith; knowing that, nothing is impossible with God or too difficult for Him? Are you ready to serve whomsoever God will have you serve? For in serving others, you serve God. Do you have a ready heart to serve?

Remember, you are merely the vessel, it is God who does the work through you. So, have a heart to serve, for God is willing and ready to use you to accomplish amazing things.

Amen †

Have a Heart to Serve ©2013 Shelley Johnson 4-May-13

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