Friday 6 May 2016

Claim and Proclaim…Let us Pray

In the Name of Jesus, I claim the blessings God has for me and my family – we are blessed beyond our wildest dreams – and I proclaim that through the power of the Blood, we are united, and have a stronger bond than ever before.

Today, we step into the shoes of blessings, walk into the land of promise, and claim our inheritance.

I proclaim God’s blessings and favour are raining on us like a supernatural rainstorm. Favour, healing, forgiveness, mercy, love, safety, breakthroughs, and answered prayers are coming into our lives through an abundance of heavenly rain – the former and latter rains of Joel chapter two, I claim.

I proclaim that God brings peace and beauty to our lives like flowers blooming. I claim the rain of favour and blessings coming at full speed towards me and my family and I proclaim that from now we begin to experience the full blessings of the righteous! Amen, it is so!

Claim and Proclaim…Let us Pray Shelley Johnson 05-May-2016

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