Saturday 28 May 2016

Speak the Word

The Word of God says, “Just as the rain and the snow come down from the sky and don’t return there without watering the earth, making it conceive and yield plants and providing seed to the sower and food to the eater, so is My word that comes from My mouth; it does not return to Me empty. Instead, it does what I want, and accomplishes what I intend.” 
(Isaiah 55:10-11 CEB)

The Word of God holds inherent power. That is, God’s Word cannot be separated from Who He is, His character, His nature. God is His Word and His Word is Him (John 1:1). When God speaks, power is released and whatever He says will accomplish its purpose, make no mistake about that.

When we speak God’s Word, in faith, power is also released and that power can change our circumstances. You see the Word is truth and the truth sets us free (John 17:17; 8:32); free from bondage, sickness, depression, fear, loneliness, temptation, bitterness, anger, doubt, despair, worry, addiction, loss, and other negative circumstances in our lives. All these may be the facts that plague our lives but the truth is more powerful than any negative facts we may be experiencing.

And, even if your life is great, speaking the Word will only make it so much better.

The Word is like a seed that is planted every time we speak it and God promises that it will fulfill its intended purpose. So, speak the Word, declare God’s truth into your circumstances and over your life, and see your life transform.

Speak the Word    Shelley Johnson 27-May-2016

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