Monday 16 May 2016

Good Plans…let us pray

“For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.” 
(Jeremiah 29:11 NRSV)

Let us pray…

O Lord my God, the only true and living God, my faith and trust are in You alone, for You are faithful, and in You there is no variation nor turning shadow; You are not inconsistent, You do not waiver. With You my steps are sure, so continue to lead me and teach me; guide me into all truth by Your Spirit working in me. Each and every day I put my hope in You, for You O God are my Saviour and my God.

You said in Your Word that You know the plans You have for me, that the plans are good plans to prosper me and not to harm me; good plans to give me peace not to bring calamity; good plans to care for me not forsake me, to save me and keep me safe; good plans of double for any former trouble; good plans of complete and utter restoration as You promised; good plans to give me hope and a great future; good plans to send the former rains and the latter rains; good plans to satisfy me fully, and good plans to work wonders for me.

I put my hope and trust in You, and I thank You for Your promises.

Fill me, O Lord my God, with all joy and peace as I trust in You, so that I may overflow with hope in You alone, for my expectation is from You.

You have planned a wonderful future for me, and I thank You. I thank You for Your providential care and Your love that endures forever.

Lord, I believe in You, my trust is in You, and I look forward to the manifestation of Your promised good plans in my life, and in the lives of my family, friends, and others who You will cause to cross my path while on this journey. In Jesus’ name I pray with thanksgiving, Amen†

Good Plans…let us pray    Shelley Johnson 15-May-2015

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