Monday 2 May 2016

Food For Thought: The use of Numbers


Numbers are important to God. If you read the Bible you may recognize that it is littered with numbers. And I say “may” because very often we read and don’t pay attention to the numbers. That’s exactly what I used to do until one day, God said to me, “Pay attention to the numbers.” And He wasn’t just talking about the numbers in His Word but also those recurring numbers that we come across in everyday life.


If you were to study God’s Word, you will recognize the significant role numbers have in the revelation of God. It clearly reveals to us that numbers, by their very nature, have special spiritual meaning attached to them. Let’s look at just one example – the number seven. 

Everybody loves the number seven; we say it’s a lucky number. But it’s not about luck, it’s about the use of the number seven as an important element in the plan of God even from the time of Creation. It refers to completion. It signifies fullness and spiritual perfection. 

Did you know that to “seven” oneself means to take an oath? In chapter nine of the Book of Genesis, God swore never again to destroy creation by water and used the rainbow as a sign of that oath or solemn promise. The rainbow consists of the seven colours of the visible colour spectrum. In Hebrew, to take an oath is “shaba” which is a derivative of “sheba”, seven. Do you see the significance and the symbolism here?

"I am going to make a solemn promise to you and to everyone who will live after you. This includes the birds and the animals that came out of the boat. I promise every living creature that the earth and those living on it will never again be destroyed by a flood. The rainbow that I have put in the sky will be my sign to you and to every living creature on earth." – Genesis 9:9-13 (CEV)

God is incredible, an awesome, awesome God, who hasn’t just given us mere words but has infused that word with much meaning. The example above is but the tip of the iceberg of what is a much more profound topic. For a glimpse of the number seven alone, check out Joshua chapter six, and the Book of Revelation. Revelation, in particular, is filled with sevens – churches, letters, spirits, golden lampstands, stars, angels…and the list goes on and on.

In this marvelous Revelation, we can clearly see the relationship between the number seven and the wondrous workings of Almighty God.


The ancients were very aware of the spiritual significance and symbolism of numbers but somewhere along the line of history that became corrupted and certain people started to use this amazing knowledge perversely. The use of numbers was never meant as an invitation for man to practice divination, the occult, or to devise odd theories and superstitions. The use of numbers was always meant for the glory of God. God has invested very special properties in numbers, as His Word reveals but because of the perversion that has taken place, that symbolic significance is ignored.

There is so much more that can be said on this magnificent topic but it is much too vast a topic for discussion on this blog. Instead, I encourage you to take a closer look at the use of numbers for yourself, not on your own but led by the Holy Spirit, and, I challenge you to pay attention to the numbers.


Food For Thought: The use of Numbers       Shelley Johnson 27-Apr-2016

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