Friday 13 May 2016

On the road to Pentecost: The Rushing Wind

“Rushing wind blow through this temple, blowing out the dust within, come and breathe your breath upon me, I’ve been born again” 
[lyrics by Keith Green]

The Wind is fast approaching…it’s a rushing Wind, coming full speed ahead to sweep through not just our own individual temples, our bodies, but through the temple, the church. 

On that first Pentecost, the disciples had been in preparation ten days for the coming of the promised Spirit. They did not know what to expect but they trusted their Lord Jesus Christ. Have we any idea what’s headed our way on Sunday 15th May 2016, the day when we shall commemorate Pentecost? Are we truly prepared to receive the Holy Spirit in all His fullness of power? If Spirit comes as He did in Acts 2:2, do you know how you’d react? Think about what your reaction would be if suddenly there came a sound from heaven like a mighty rushing wind, and filled the entire house where you are sitting. We might easily imagine what that may be like and how we’d react, but not until it actually happens would we know for sure what our reaction would be.

We really cannot tell from which direction the mighty rushing Spirit of God shall come but let us prepare ourselves for His coming through fervently praying, meditating upon the Living Word of God and eagerly expecting to receive. Amen†

The Rushing Wind ©2013 Shelley Johnson 17-May-13

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