Wednesday 4 May 2016

Surrendering All

You know, we often sing, “All to Jesus I surrender, All to Him I freely give…I surrender all, I surrender all”. But how sincere are we? Do we really mean that? We are often hard pressed to surrender all. Surrender some, perhaps, but all?…I really have to think about that.

There is always something that we don’t want to give up, we simply refuse to surrender all. I believe that this refusal to truly surrender all is shutting us out of some incredible blessings. 

We hand over the keys to almost every secret place in our hearts to God but there is this one key to some tiny “precious” closet that we prefer to keep ourselves. We can’t possibly give God that key. That key opens the door to our most private, our most secretive secret stuff. We can’t and won’t surrender that…no way. And, you know what, we truly miss out on the fullness of the blessing He has for us. 

We need to empty ourselves in absolute surrender to God. We need to stop holding on to stuff – let it go, surrendering ALL to Jesus. Why do you want the burden when Jesus is willing to take it all. Just give all to Him, no matter what it is you’re clinging to – let it go! I know it’s hard but it’s a decisive step that we must make. 

Let us decide once and for all to surrender all that we have and all that we are to Jesus. Let us lay ourselves bare, keeping nothing within or without back. He knows all our hiding places anyway, there is nothing hidden from Him, so let’s just hand over all of it, every key to every closet in our hearts.


Lord Jesus, through the power of Your Holy Spirit, empty me. Today I surrender all of me to You and Your care. Amen.

Surrendering All   Shelley Johnson 04-May-2016

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