Thursday 19 May 2016

From whom are you seeking help?

Isaiah 30:7 (KJV), as it is written,

“For the Egyptians shall help in vain, and to no purpose: therefore have I cried concerning this, Their strength is to sit still.”

In the Bible, Egyptians are symbolic of those who are estranged from God. This estrangement comes about when one is under the bondage of human effort and religious works. Also when you see Egypt and Egyptians, know that they represent captivity, or any type of enslavement, including enslavement to sin as well as spiritual and physical bondage – any place or state of being from which we need deliverance.

Since the time of Moses and the Exodus, God has been delivering His children out of Egypt and from the Egyptians, yet we continue to go back there seeking help instead of looking to God. 

Today’s Scripture verse clearly tells us that the help of those who are estranged from God is “vain and to no purpose”. In other words, their help is completely useless – as useless as having a pile of tyres but no car. They can do and will do nothing for you, they are incapable of delivering you out of any sort of trouble, it’s to absolutely no avail. 

These kinds of people are worthless to you, they will only bring you shame, disgrace, and utter embarrassment in the end. They’re prideful, full of themselves and their only strength is inaction. I’m sure you know at least one person like that. Someone you cannot depend on, who only makes a show of help – a real busy body but nothing to show for it (hopefully it’s not you).

“Egyptians” are bearers of humiliation and confusion. They are sorely lacking in faith and trust in God but full of faith and trust in themselves. They present themselves as hardworking go-getters, and are eager to volunteer, but they produce nothing of any substance whatsoever.

You know who these people are – they’re in church, at work, at school, your neighbours, and even show up in your own family – and you need to stop seeking their assistance. Go to God in prayer and allow Him to provide the help you require. Stop depending on these boastful talkers who turn out to be all words and no action. Depend on God. Stop placing your hope in man, instead, put your hope in God (see Psalm 42:5, 11; Romans 5:5).

Beloved, God is earnestly waiting for you to turn to Him in confident trust. He is longing to be gracious to you. He is longing to be your salvation in times of trouble. He is longing to bring you stability in every area of your life.

From whom are you seeking help?    Shelley Johnson 19-May-2016

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