Sunday 18 October 2015

A Faith Problem?

Yesterday's post, "Lord You Know...", was about two actual conversations I had with my obstetrician concerning my ability to have children. I must tell you that it took a great deal of faith for me to believe God and not the words I was hearing from the doctor because that doctor was my friend. I'd met him many years before while he was still an intern and even though I trusted him, I trusted God more. My faith was in God's ability!

This week I'd like us to focus on faith, faith in God - His word, and His promises - and on the faith that we've been given. Faith, as a topic, is so vast; there are so many facets that we could never cover in just one week but it's a start. So yes, think of this as a starter kit and I encourage you to dig deeper for yourself. 

Oftentimes we believe that we have a problem with our faith. We think it's lacking somehow, but is it?

Let's get started...

Stop believing you have a problem with your faith! You do not have a faith problem, you’re just not understanding the faith that you have. Faith does not come and go, it’s already present in you and when you hear the Word it will cause your faith to be manifested. 

Listen, your faith is adequate, that’s why Jesus said it can move mountains and it can uproot a sycamore tree. You possess mountain-moving-tree-uprooting faith. Believe that the faith you possess is enough. 

It’s time for you to acknowledge the faith that is in you in Christ Jesus. You already have the quantity of faith that you need. The same faith-power that raised Jesus from the dead is living inside you!

You do not have a faith problem, you have a knowledge problem. You do not realize what you already have.

Meditate on God’s Word to better understand that,

1. Faith manifests healing – The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke; Acts 3:16

2. There’s a law that governs faith – Romans 3:27

3. Faith for salvation comes by hearing the Word of God – Romans 10:17

4. You have God’s supernatural faith inside you – Romans 12:3; Galatians 2:16,20

5. Faith is one of the elements of the fruit of the Spirit – Galatians 5:22

6. There’s only one faith, God’s faith – Ephesians 4:5

7. God’s gifts are irrevocable – Romans 11:29

8. Faith is God’s precious gift to you – 2 Peter 1:1

9. Faith brings full assurance – Hebrews 10:22

10. Faith requires action – Hebrews 11; James 2:20

The Word of God is full of faith because that’s who God is – He is faith-full (2 Timothy 2:13) and His Word is faith-filled.

Amen †

A Faith Problem? ©2013 Shelley Johnson 18-Feb-13

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