Friday 16 October 2015

Being Lazarus – Part Two

Brothers and sisters in Christ, you have accepted Jesus as your Saviour; you acknowledged and confessed with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believed in your heart that God raised Him from the dead. At that point you were saved, born again or re-born, a new creature in Christ. He awakened you from spiritual sleep [a form of death], brought you out of the darkness of your tomb of carnality and into His marvelous Light [new life] (1 Peter 2:9).

But are you ready to continue on from there? Are you ready to walk in the Light of Christ? Are you ready to put to death your own dreams and visions, and ambitions and plans for your own life and begin to really live a new life in Christ?

Along your Christian journey, every death you experience is followed by a resurrection experience. Daily as you die to your self-centered desires and the things of this world, the Lord raises you up, exalts you and promotes you to new levels of spirituality right here on earth. 

What you believed to be dead is given life anew! 

Jesus commands the barriers of doubt and unbelief to be rolled away and calls forth a new manifestation! 

Like Martha, Lazarus’ sister, believe Jesus even when you do not understand what He is doing or saying (John 11:20-27). 

John 11:45 says that many people put their faith in Jesus after the resurrection of Lazarus, but Jesus is telling you to place your faith in Him before you see the physical manifestation. You must believe before you see! First believe and Jesus promises you that you will see the glory of God (John 11:40).

Beloved, what you thought was dead is now alive again!

When Lazarus came out, Jesus ordered his release from his burial wrappings; in the same way, when Jesus causes great things to happen in your life, when He resurrects you to a life in the Spirit, you will be set free from the bonds of your old spiritual influences.

Jesus is calling you to, “Come out!” and truly surrender your life to Him, for you are Lazarus, ‘he whom God helps’.

Amen †

Being Lazarus – Part Two ©2013 Shelley Johnson 6-Mar-13

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