Thursday 15 October 2015

Being Lazarus – Part one

The Bible tells us that when Lazarus had fallen ill, his sisters Mary and Martha had called upon the Lord for help. But Jesus did not come right away. 

Actually, Lazarus died before Jesus came, and by the time He did come Lazarus had not only been dead four days but “by this time there is a bad odour” (John 11:39).

The sisters weren’t the only ones waiting on Jesus, Lazarus was also waiting. All of us, at some time, have called upon the Lord for help in desperate circumstances and have had to wait. Like Lazarus, we’ve waited and waited and our situation just got worse and worse until all seemed lost. 

Very often God will allow our situation to go from bad to worse until it stinks but it is during these desperate times that we become stronger and stronger spiritually. 

It is during these times of endless waiting that God is planning to do great and powerful and wonderful things so that we will have no doubt that He is God.

Friends, we are to trust God even in the delays. Soon the time will come to roll away the stone. 
In the meanwhile “Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD” (Psalm 27:14).

Amen †

Being Lazarus – Part one © 2013 Shelley Johnson 5-Mar-13

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