Monday 5 October 2015

Training School

Every day for three years, Jesus walked with the disciples, teaching them many Truths, so that when He returned to His throne in Heaven, they would be well equipped to continue in His footsteps. Jesus Christ was their Training School, and today, through the infallible Word of God, He is ours. Hallelujah!

Like the disciples, we too can experience that wonderful Training School by reading and studying the Bible daily. In Training School we will foster a close personal relationship with Jesus as we learn more and more about Him in the Word since He Himself is the Word (John 1:14).

We can have Jesus with us every day, even more than the disciples had, for they had Jesus Christ in the body, an individual separate from them, but we have His Own Spirit living in us; we have the Omnipresent Jesus.


Jesus, here I am, eager to attend Your Training School. As I read and study Your Word, let Your Spirit teach me and guide me into all Truth. And, as Your Spirit speaks to my spirit, may I become bound to You forever. Amen.

Training School © 2014 Shelley Johnson 19-Apr-2014

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