Saturday 24 October 2015

Precious Faith

“It’s faith, it’s faith. It’s a flower of light in a field of darkness.” – the character Eli, from the movie The Book of Eli, quoting Johnny Cash.

Faith is indeed a light during those times when everything in our lives seem to be dark and we don’t know which way to turn. Faith gives us the strength we desire to carry on even when we cannot see our way. Faith is having complete confidence in God. Jesus said to His disciples, in Mark 11:22, “Have faith in God.” and He is saying the same thing to us today.

Don’t ever believe that you have no faith. Faith is already in you. Hear what the Bible tells us in Romans 12:3, as it is written, “…the measure of faith God has given you.”

God has given to each person “the measure of faith”, therefore you too have the gift from God of the measure of faith inside you, right now. Notice, it’s not a measure, it is the measure – God uses one measure and it is the same for everyone and it’s a full measure.

Do you realize that it is through your faith in Jesus Christ that you are born again, re-born or born from above? Hear the Word of God,

“For through the living and eternal Word of God you have been born again as the children of a Parent who is immortal, not mortal.” – 1 Peter 1:23

Receiving Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour, requires deep faith. Believing that Jesus Christ was crucified upon a cross at a place called Calvary and that on the third day after His crucifixion was resurrected from death and is now seated at the right hand of God the Father, our immortal invisible Parent, requires profound faith.

“…know that a person is put right with God only through faith in Jesus Christ…” – Galatians 2:16

Born again, you live by the faith of Jesus Christ. And, being conscious of the fact that you have the faith of your Saviour, Jesus Christ, will make a difference in every area of your life. This truth will affect your hopes and your expectations.

Understand that God’s Word had to be heard in order that we might receive His supernatural faith contained in it to receive our salvation. God’s Word is Jesus Christ (see John 1:1,14; 1 John 1:1-3).

Peter, servant and Apostle of Jesus Christ, said, “To those who through the righteousness of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ have been given a faith as precious as ours…” – 2 Peter 1:1

Beloved child of God, you have the same precious faith that Apostles Peter and Paul had – anything they did, you can do.

Jesus said, “I am telling you the truth: whoever believes in me will do what I do – yes he will do even greater things, because I am going to the Father.” – John 14:12

Beloved child of God, you have the faith of the Son of God – anything Jesus did, you can do.

Today, instead of griping about your lack of faith, know that your born-again spirit is powerful and praise and thank God for the measure of faith He has already given. It is a precious gift.

Amen † 

Precious Faith ©2013 Shelley Johnson 16-Feb-13

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